Criteria for earning $50,000/$10,000:

1. Open a FF creator account. 
2. Active account. 
3. A minimum of 200/100 subscribed active fans. 
4. For 2/1 month(s), maintain a minimum of 200/100 active fans. 
5. Active account for 6/3 months after meeting the conditions; for the next 6/3 months, receive a payment of 50k/10k dollars every month. 

What does an ACTIVE FAN mean for the $50,000/$10,000 bonus?

1. Paid subscription for a minimum of 2/1 month(s). 
2. Minimum spending of 200/100 tokens per month (€20/€10). 

What does an ACTIVE ACCOUNT mean for the $50,000/$10,000 bonus?

1. Earnings of at least €300 or 3000 tokens per month. 
2. Bringing in new fans monthly. 
3. A minimum of 7 photos posted monthly. 


- Anyone who opts for the $10,000 bonus cannot claim the $50,000 bonus. 
- Once the criteria for the $10,000 bonus are met, the user has 7 days to request the bonus; otherwise, the $50,000 bonus is automatically applied.